
Control your operation with ease.

Soil Moisture Monitoring

We utilize in-field soil moisture probes that provide real-time data for decision-making. This allows us to graph moisture changes at different depths. This data then feeds into app and web-based dashboards. 

Field and moisture monitoring by BD Ag Enterprises
BD Ag Enterprises FarmTRX yield monitoring technology for crop harvest

Yield Monitoring

Our team works with the original developers of pivot monitoring, who have been there since the beginning. We also implement soil moisture and weather assets and are continuously researching newer technology for better information. We get you set up with the tech and then provide recommendations regularly during the growing season, based on the data.

FarmTRX logo

Precision yield monitors & automated yield maps

Make sound decisions for your operation based on data. These monitors can be used on any combine. View your yield data online or via mobile app.

Pivot Irrigation Monitoring

This includes AgSense and other products to monitor and control pivot irrigation remotely via app or web-based dashboard.

AgSense monitoring technology
Remote crop, irrigation, and asset monitoring by BD Ag Enterprises

Farm Asset Monitoring

We offer various farm asset monitoring products to observe tank levels, weather, and moving assets.


Our prescriptions detail variable rate applications of products that can be applied by yourself or us. We write a program that is specific to your needs. 

BD Ag Enterprises spraying crops with fertilizer or chemicals


“Helpful and knowledgeable!”

– John K.